Belly Fat Guaranteed To Go Away IF You Follow The Rules.

Losing belly fat is simple with the right plan. 5 Rules, 1 plan. Dr. Lou knows how to help you get things done. Dr. Lou has helped hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds with his coaching based on truth, hard work, strategy, and positivity. It only takes one call. Do it today. Life is short. (207) 774-6251. Coaching client availability is limited.
Want to lose an inch off your waistline in a few weeks or less? If you follow the rules, there is almost no way that you will not succeed in losing belly fat. In fact, I would argue that it is impossible to fail if you follow these rules. I’ve done it myself, I’ve helped others do it, and it will work for anyone who has “had enough”.
- Low Carb Diet: No alcohol, no pasta, no sugar. The only carbs you can eat are those in greens. Eat lean meats like fish and chicken.
- Exercise: Cardio for an hour 4 times a week. 20 minutes of weights or resistance exercises for the large muscle groups 4-5 times a week. What are the large muscle groups? Back, chest, arms, legs. Exercises? Push ups, bicep curls, seated rows, tricep push downs, squats with or without weight.
- Sleep: Get a lot of sleep. 8 hours a night minimum.
- Feeding Frequency: Sounds like you’re being treated like a baby? Kind of. Eat small quantities every two hours. Don’t miss a beat. Too much trouble? Don’t lose weight, or exercise more, your choice. Prep meals a couple nights a week and spend the rest of the time eating.
- Water: Drink lots of water. I recommend large quantities of flavored carbonated water.
If you do this, it will work. It works fast and it stays off if you continue exercising. If you can’t do it or have failed in the past, don’t lose hope, get a coach.
Even the best coaches have coaches. They have them for a reason. Coaching works.
Dr. Lou has helped hundreds of people lose thousands of pounds of belly fat. He can help you, but he doesn’t know you need him yet. You have to call. Call (207) 774-6251 for a personalized kick in the butt that will help you reach your goals. Dr. Lou is not for those who want to be lied to. He’ll tell you how it is, what to do, and he’ll hold you accountable.