Competition For Athletic Scholarships Is At An All Time High.


How do you separate your teen athlete from the pack?


Athletic scholarships to the best colleges in the U.S. are just as competitive as your child has been for years now. A free ride to a top university is every parent’s dream for their child. They play the sport they love, they study and learn, they have the name recognition of a top school and their future looks extremely bright. All parents would love to provide their children with the opportunity for such skills and success. Chiropractic can help them get there. Yup, you heard that right, chiropractic is for more than back pain.


What's the value of a college scholarship? How much have you invested in your child's success? Did you know that performance chiropractic care with Dr. Lou Jacobs in Portland, Maine has helped everyone from the weekend warrior athlete, grammy winning musician to aspiring professional athlete. Your child may be a fraction of a second behind the person awarded a scholarship. Give them a structural and neurological edge with Dr. Lou. Call (207) 774-6251

What’s the value of a college scholarship? How much have you invested in your child’s success? Did you know that performance chiropractic care with Dr. Lou Jacobs in Portland, Maine has helped everyone from the weekend warrior athlete, grammy winning musician to aspiring professional athlete? Your child may be a fraction of a second behind the person awarded a scholarship. Give them a structural and neurological edge with Dr. Lou. Call (207) 774-6251



Chiropractic care concerns itself with the physical structure of a person (bones, muscles and joints) and how misalignments and abnormalities in that structure and it’s biomechanics subsequently affect the nervous system in a negative way. By “negative way” in an athlete we’re talking decreased speed, reflexes, strength, tone, precision, control, flexibility, mobility, vertical jumping ability, decreased O2 intake and a host of other negative ways.


How does your kid measure up? Sometimes it’s hard to tell where they are falling short. There doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with them, they were cleared by the doctor after the injury. There are tools that measure function that is not otherwise able to be quantified by looking at someone, talking to them or touching them. Tests of nerve and muscle function that are non invasive, painless, reproducible, quantifiable and approved by the FDA to measure performance. Don’t rely on uncle Joe’s assessment of your kid “looking strong as an ox” around the campfire as an adequate performance evaluation.


The best athletic scholarships are given to the finest tuned, most successful athletes. Not only is there a way to assess your child’s function but there are also non-surgical, drug free ways to improve performance. Tried and true ways that have been around for 120 years.

Chiropractic Performance Optimization with Dr. Lou Jacobs. Athletic scholarships depend on performance. Dr. Lou helps athletes and musicians get the most out of their effort. Dr. Lou has 14 years of experience with professional athletes and Grammy winning musicians. Give your child the edge. The Chiropractic Performance Edge. Call (207) 774-6251 and ask to speak to Dr. Lou.

Chiropractic Performance Optimization with Dr. Lou Jacobs. Athletic scholarships depend on performance. Dr. Lou helps athletes and musicians get the most out of their effort. Dr. Lou has 14 years of experience with professional athletes and Grammy winning musicians. Give your child the edge. The Chiropractic Performance Edge. Call (207) 774-6251 and ask to speak to Dr. Lou.

If you have questions for Dr. Lou, call him. The office number is (207) 774-6251. If Dr. Lou is free, either Donna or Erin will be happy put him on the phone. If he is not free, he’ll call you back at the end of the same business day. It’s ok to kick the tires.