What do you do when doctors don’t know what’s wrong with you? You know something is wrong, they’ve done all the tests, you’ve spent thousands of dollars, your family is tired, you can’t sleep, they have no answers, your stress, anxiety and frustration are through the roof.

Doctors Don’t Know What’s Wrong With Me. Maybe it’s time for a second opinion from a doctor who views the body through a different microscope? Call Dr. Lou Jacobs for answers to why your brain is not regulating and healing your body properly. 15 years experience in U.S. and Europe. Call (207) 774-6251.
Doctors have some of the answers, but they don’t always have ALL of the answers.
Some limitations of doctors include:
Education, Knowledge & Judgement.
Inclinations & Persuasions.
Testing tools and materials.
Skill of applying “their medicine”.
Doctors are human and they are only as good, as these things are good. We’ve all experienced it.
So what do you do if doctors don’t know what’s wrong with you? You go somewhere else. There’s no such saying; “everything happens for no reason”. If you have a problem, there is a cause. Guaranteed. Because one doctor can’t find the cause, doesn’t mean it can’t be found, it means that doctor can’t find it. It may mean that their tools or their ability to comprehend or understand the cause may not be there. If their personality, inclinations, persuasions don’t allow them to see potential causes, they’ll never find it.
Think about this. Without the vision of the internet, it would have seemed impossible, ridiculous even. Entirely possible to engineer and produce as we know know, because someone had the vision. Ask someone even in 1970, they’d only believe it possible if they were “in the know”. This is also true with non-charlatain healthcare. I’m not suggesting crystal healing, I’m suggesting verified alternatives that are actually mainstream, that differ greatly from the bread and butter American Medicine.
Let’s use back pain as an example. Many medical doctors have no idea how to deal with it. Oftentimes the diagnosis for low back pain, is “low back pain”. It doesn’t take a doctor to tell you have back pain if you have back pain. What’s the cause, doc? How are you going to fix the underlying problem, doc? The American College of Physicians and The Annals of Internal Medicine, as of February 14, 2017 are recommending spinal manipulation (chiropractic), acupuncture, massage and heat therapy for acute and sub acute low back pain before any other treatment. Chiropractors, acupuncturists and massage therapists have known this for decades. Had you asked them years ago if it was possible they’d have told you yes. Had you asked a medical doctor about back pain and chiropractic 30 years ago, they’d have told you chiropractic would kill you. Now they’ve changed their minds because their drugs are killing people and with no benefit to the underlying or symptomatic problem.
Chiropractors are trained to look at issues regarding your body in a different way than medical doctors. Chiropractors have a different purpose, and use science to explain things differently, but within the realm of reality and research based physiology. If you don’t give it a chance, you are selling yourself short. If your medical doctors don’t know what’s wrong with you, there’s a good chance a chiropractor will.
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