Finely Tuned Specialty.

Rock & Roll Chiropractor in Portland, Maine


Dr. Lou with Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros - July 2016 - Call the Rock Doc at (207) 774-6251

Dr. Lou with Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros – July 2016 – Call the Rock Doc at (207) 774-6251


For over 15 years I’ve worked with musicians as a chiropractic graduate student and as a licensed chiropractor in Portland, Maine and Bucharest, Romania. What started out as a specialty for local musicians turned into a different game about seven years ago.


Eight or nine years ago I was hired to work a large show by a company that I ended up being less than happy with. After the show I spent a great deal of time beginning to create relationships and connections in the industry that would lead me to the musicians. My Rock Doc specialty was born.


I began getting gigs with some of music’s biggest names and they just kept coming. Repeat customers, offers to go on the road, direct cell phone numbers and other signs that I’d arrived.

While I am happier at home with my family than on a 300 square foot tour bus, the opportunities I have had reminded me of the value of family as well as the obvious thrill of being part of the rock & roll lifestyle on a top shelf level.


I often wonder how they do it. Sure, fame and money are a draw, but it must be hard to be cramped in a bus with band mates while your kids and family are at home wishing you were there.


My office is a family practice. We specialize in pregnant moms, children and dads. On the opposite end of the spectrum, rock stars. Indeed, it’s good to have both in your life and it rounds me out nicely. I give musicians the same attention I’d give a newborn infant or a pregnant mom and I give Moms and dads, grandparents and their neighbors the same attention I give Grammy award winners.


Rock star treatment (literally) for your entire family (Watch Here).