Pain In The Back Of The Neck (and head).


I have pain in the back of the neck that goes into my head. What does this mean?

Pain in the back of the neck is a common problem. It can be caused by trauma, like a fall or car accident. It can also be caused by bad posture, which is also a type of physical trauma.


Pain in the back of the neck can be caused by mental or emotional stress. Stress, anxiety, fear and anger often lead to physical tension, inflammation and spasm of muscle. These physical changes from mental stress often lead to pain which causes more tension and stress, leading to more tension and stress. It’s a horrible vicious cycle, which when present for months or years, can become a serious chronic problem.


When this pain in the back of the neck leads to pain and tension into the head, you are beginning to experience tension headaches. Tension headaches can be very painful and often present in the forehead, back of head and behind the eyes. They are sometimes even the trigger for migraine headaches. Migraine headaches are often disabling.


Tension headaches while not life threatening are quality of life threatening and are a good reason to be evaluated by a chiropractor. Chiropractic is an extremely effective method of care for tension headaches. By addressing the cause of the pain in the back of the neck, all steps in the formation of the headaches are essentially stopped. This eliminates the headaches and their potential to return easily.


If you have pain in the back of the neck and it is going into your head, call Dr. Lou Jacobs at Jacobs Chiropractic Acupuncture Center to schedule an initial exam and consult. Dr. Lou has been eliminating headaches in Portland for over 13 years.



Pain in the back of the neck in Portland, Maine? Call Dr. Lou at (207) 774-6251 today!

Pain in the back of the neck in Portland, Maine? Call Dr. Lou at (207) 774-6251 today!