You wouldn’t risk your “life” because you are lazy would you? As you know, the Maine golf season is short compared to most other states. We have to make the most of it, while it lasts. Don’t be lazy, get in gear now! Business guru Patrick Bet-David says that “If you don’t have time, you either don’t really care or you are lazy.” I know you care about golf and if you can afford to play golf, you aren’t lazy. SO, start preparing now for the best season ever!
Back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, elbow pain, hip pain, knee pain, foot pain all have the potential to ruin your season by affecting golf performance. Tiger woods has the best clubs, the best of everything, he was indeed the best until his back pain (among other things) destroyed his game. Your body matters most.
Your brain controls your body’s position, it controls your strength, your reflexes, your perception of where your body is in space, your depth perception, your interpretation of wind currents and a whole lot more. Your brain communicates to the parts of your body that swing the club and provide momentum, through the spinal nerves that exit the spine. IF there is any irritation to the nerves due to spinal degeneration or misalignment (“Subluxation”), GUARANTEED, your performance will be compromised. How much? There are tests to determine that, but your body makes the game. Here are 5 recommendations that will prepare you for the 2017 season, improve your body and improve your game.

Preparing for the 2017 golf season in Maine? 5 ways to improve your pre-season preparation and 2017 performance. Portland, Maine Golf Performance with Dr. Lou Jacobs – Structural and neurological performance optimization. (207) 774-6251
- Stretch Daily. Flexibility and symmetrical balance of muscle tone are critical for consistent strength, speed, precision and mobility. Stretching will help your game and reduce the risk of an unnecessary muscle strain or pull that put you out of the game. Stretching is great because you can do it at home.
- Massage. Not everyone is motivated to do their stretching everyday. While a massage a week will not not replace stretching every day, it’s helpful. It does beg the question, if you aren’t motivated enough to stretch everyday, how much do you really care about your game. Anyone can stretch for 15 minutes a day. Everyday.
- Have your shoes and feet evaluated by an expert. Your feet are your foundation. Fallen arches, weak ankles, plantar fasciitis, arthritic feet, foot pain or any combination of these will affect your golf performance. Foot issues lead to structural changes throughout your body that will adversely affect your performance. In order to find out if your feet pose this risk, you must go to a podiatrist or a chiropractor.
- Weight Training. Start working out for strength, speed and control. The ball flies in the direction you control the club and at the speed that your body can propel the club head.
- Spinal health is key for golf performance. Your spine provides the stability, mobility and strength that allows your body to torque with your swing. If your spine falls apart, for any reason, your game goes the way of the Tiger. Degeneration, arthritis, back pain, sciatica, stiffness, inflexibility. They will all limit your game. The edge on the game comes not from new clubs but your body’s ability to play the game with precision. The clubs Arnold Palmer used in 1955 were much less engineered than what you use today. A 1955 Arnold Palmer with those clubs would kick your ass today. Why? Because his brain and body were connected in a way that synched him with his clubs in such a way he crushed the game. You must be physically and neurologically optimized to play your best.
With these 5 tips alone, you are going to improve the likelihood that you’ll have the best season ever. With these 5 tips you will also be stronger and more resilient, thereby decreasing the risk of a mid season injury. Save money on not buying clubs this year, rather, get your body in tip top shape and beat your buddies with your old clubs and watch them cry when they realize that their new ones didn’t improve their game. It’s all fun & Games until someone loses a round.