Stress management steps to help reduce the harmful effects of chronic stress.

Reduce and manage stress better. We can help you get control of your brain-body connection. Feeling off? There’s a cause and we can identify it and help your body correct it. Call Dr. Lou today at (207) 774-6251
It’s simple. Reducing stress, managing stress better, decreasing anxiety, will all reduce your risk of the chronic diseases and dysfunction that so often results, in part, from stress induced inflammation.
- Don’t watch the news. The news is filled with negativity and things to worry about. Most of which will never effect your life or the lives of your loved ones. Turn it off. If you want news, read The ONION.
- Practice Mindfulness and let things go. Not worrying about things you need not worry about, requires that you can identify those things. You may need help with this. Start making a list of the things that cause the most stress and anxiety in your life. Evaluate that list and try to let go of those things on the list that your gut tells you are useless.
- Focus on the things that you can control. Stress and anxiety caused by worrying about a meteor threat or Kim Jong Un, will do you no good.
- Ask for help if you need it. Sometimes it’s hard to do things without help. Find a friend, therapist, or other third party who can help you navigate your stressors.
- Put a pin in it. Acupuncture has helped people adapt to stress for literally thousands of years. The only side effects are positive and what medication has 5,000 years of human trials? Acupuncture is tried and true. Alternative? Not really, alternative medicine when compared to something like Chinese medicine, is pharmacology and western medicine. Drugs with side effects, many of them harmful, that’s the “alternative medicine”.
- Calm your nervous system. Your brain and central nervous system are the processors through which you experience life. When your brain and nerves are not functioning perfectly, your stress management response will be skewed, in a bad direction. This is where the chiropractor comes in. Chiropractors remove harmful nerve interference called subluxation. This correction of irritation on nerves leads to better communication and processing within the nervous system. This is helpful in reducing and managing stress.
Dr. Lou’s mission in life is to make people’s lives easier, happier and more successful. Call anytime. All patients of Dr. Lou have 24/7 access to him. For more information on the 24/7 rule visit this website’s homepage or watch the video below.