The Truth Will Guide You
Truth in healthcare, believe it or not, is lacking. Profits and the lies about what true health is that support big business, are so saturating our minds that for many people, it’s hard to know reality.
I always tell my patients “Absence of knowledge of the law doesn’t get you off if you kill someone or get caught stealing, and not understanding your body and health doesn’t absolve you from the responsibility of taking care of yourself. You’ll still pay the price.”
We have nothing to lose and as a result, you get straight answers about serious issues. We sugarcoat nothing. This is nothing to be afraid of, in fact, it’s something to embrace. With knowledge comes the power to be in the drivers seat when it comes to the health of your family. If you’ve ever felt like your doctor doesn’t listen, doesn’t “get” you, doesn’t care, pushes medications and interventions, or is listening to you and preparing their response rather than HEARING you, it’s time you wake up to other options.
Health comes from within you. Your body is the greatest healer. Every drug that is in the pharmacy is designed to do what chemicals naturally produced in a healthy body would do. Why has your body begun to fail you? Let’s find out, make changes and watch your body make the corrections in function needed to produce a healthier you without chemical dependence (drugs).
Rather than waiting to have a problem and then complaining or whining about it, come in, get answers, create a health plan, and get on the road to health optimization and maximizing your quality of life.
Remember, doctoral degrees don’t teach good judgement. If you need evidence of this, look to Dr. Ben Carson.