Why do I have back pain?
The problem. The cause. The solution.

Diagnosis, Plan of Action, Correction of the problem. 1 2 3 Chiropractic with Dr. Lou Jacobs. Effective. Efficient. Always Straightforward. Lou Jacobs, DC, CACCP. Call for help today! (207) 774-6251.
“In a field of horses, don’t look for zebras” they told us in school. It’s usually an obvious cause to a common problem if you look closely. And indeed, but for the few odd cases, people and their problems are pretty predictable. In my 15 years of practice the majority of folks who haven’t had a clear cut trauma have suffered because of a long term accumulation of one or many of the following causes:
- Mental stress.
- Too much sitting or standing.
- Heavy physical labor.
- Sleep position on the stomach or side with a leg up.
- Being overweight or obese.
- Lack of exercise.
- Repetitive motions over long periods of time.
- Lots of driving or commuting.
- Bending over for long periods of time at work (hygienist, dentist).
- Sitting on a wallet in your back pocket
Time + Stress = Problems.
Many men keep their wallet in their back pocket for years and then fail to figure out that it’s the cause of their back problems. Imagine a car with 13″ rims on one side and 20″ rims on the other. Or maybe a woman who wears a 5 inch heel on one foot and a flat on the other. Neither of those scenarios works at all. It’s a recipe for a spinal subluxation disaster.
Everything happens for a reason. The problem is, when it’s slow, small little traumas that add up over time and lead to body break down, it doesn’t always register in our “feelings”. If we don’t feel it, we aren’t aware that it’s happening.
Move the wallet to the front pocket. Don’t let it rest in between your belly and the groin or you are going to run the risk of developing Meralgia Paresthetica, or compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve that leads to symptoms down the leg. Your wallet in the front pocket, off to the side of your leg is the winning combo.
“Dr. Lou told me to take my wallet out of my back pocket after 20 years of putting it there. I hadn’t realized it was part of my problem. Within a week of my wallet in my front pocket and regular adjustments, I felt better than I have in years and my posture changed too!” ~Jim H. (more testimonials)
Can your wallet really create this many problems? Yes it can. It’s an easy change, costs nothing and makes a huge difference over time.
Lou Jacobs, DC, CACCP is a family chiropractor in Portland, Maine with a specialty in perinatal and pediatric chiropractic.