WINNER! Dr. Lou’s 2013 Weight Loss Challenge – Portland, Maine
American obesity is an epidemic. It is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in this country and worsens as we approach a nationwide 70% overweight/obese status. Maine is at over 60%. The epidemic puts enormous financial & healthcare related strain on all of us. The only way to fix the problem is from the ground up. There is no pill or surgery that will fix the problem. We salute those who have joined the challenge in the past and in the future with the mission of changing themselves and setting an example for others.
Every year, dozens of participants in Dr. Lou‘s Weight Loss Challenge square off with themselves and do their best to lose weight, get in shape and most importantly improve their health. 2013 was no different. As usual hundreds and hundreds of pounds were lost by just a few participants. Thousands of pounds are usually lost every year. This year the winner lost 20% of his original body weight with the 2nd and 3rd place finishers losing 18.52% and 17.72% respectively. Unlike recent years, the winner swept the challenge, including the new to 2013 “family category”.
Dr. Lou’s Weight Loss Challenge has had as many as 135 participants in a single challenge. This year with new and improved offerings at a higher price of “admission” we had 39 participants. Of the 39 participants 14 came to the “weigh out”. This number is actually higher than expected. Normally only about 20% weigh out at the end of the challenge even though we encourage everyone to attend.
$195 of all entry fees will be donated to The Center For Grieving Children in Portland, Maine.
The winner of Dr. Lou’s 2013 Weight Loss Challenge, the sweeper of all categories this year is Ed Oakes. Ed won several years ago and gained all the weight back. This year he did it again and we’re going to keep a closer eye on him to make sure that he doesn’t repeat the rebound weight gain. Ed lost 53 lbs in 3 months. Incredible job Ed!